Lee Coller  Mar 10, 2009 • 11:09:09am

That’s because Pelosi is second in the line of presidential succession behind Biden, this whole issue originally raised during the Bush administration. They won’t let her fly commercial.

Quite frankly I have no respect for Judicial Watch, I find them no better than the left-wing law “public interest” groups they try to emulate.

freedombilly  Mar 10, 2009 • 11:17:14am

re: #1 Lee Coller

Hastert had a 12 seat plane and she demanded a 42 seat plane when she became Speaker. I don’t take issue with her not wanting to fly commercial. It is the details of her demands and how frequently she makes them.

She is as out of touch as any person inside of the beltway. And I don’t put that lightly.

Lee Coller  Mar 10, 2009 • 1:29:31pm

re: #2 freedombilly

Hastert had a 12 seat plane and she demanded a 42 seat plane when she became Speaker. I don’t take issue with her not wanting to fly commercial. It is the details of her demands and how frequently she makes them.

She is as out of touch as any person inside of the beltway. And I don’t put that lightly.

And this issue was even addressed by the Bush administration, the 12 seater Hastert used didn’t have the range to get Pelosi to SFO.

Lee Coller  Mar 10, 2009 • 1:31:40pm

here’s the link:

I’m no fan of Pelosi’s, but lets get her on real issues.

astronmr20  Mar 11, 2009 • 12:07:57am

re: #4 Lee Coller

here’s the link: [Link:…]

I’m no fan of Pelosi’s, but lets get her on real issues.

This is still worth mentioning, especially when she’s jamming climate change down our throats.

vagabond trader  Mar 11, 2009 • 4:48:55am

Repeatedly booking and then canceling flights, plus the obnoxious demands go well beyond the “safety” factor. Pure contempt for the serfs, especially the military.

jamgarr  Mar 11, 2009 • 8:26:12am


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